That’s why politicians are silent on teachers’ strike – NRK Westland

That’s why politicians are silent on teachers’ strike – NRK Westland

Many people miss the fact that politicians are talking about teachers’ strike.

“Who are the politicians?” Many asked after that NRK wrote about a headmaster who feared that students would be admitted to the emergency room as a result of the strike..

Who misses politicians?

Among them: Jana Middelfart-Hoff, the mother of a student at the Amalie Schramm secondary school in Bergen, which has been hit hard by the teachers’ strike.

– We’ve now had an air raid where ministers are competing to be on TV in prime time and how much people care about the holidays, he says.

She doesn’t understand why politicians don’t do that now.

– This is about the future of children and young people, but no one is talking about it. This is very troubling to me.

Jana Middleford Half

Jana Middleford Hoff responded that no politicians were talking about a strike. He represents Hogre on the county council in Westland.

Photo: Valentina Bisotti / NRK

Steffen Handel, President of the Education Association Mayors and politicians have also reacted with complete silence about the strike.

The opposite of what they should be, he believes.

– We want as many people as possible to speak. Politicians are responsible for school opportunity. It’s surprising that they don’t want to get involved.

Stephen Handel

Steffen Handel, president of the Education Association, fears that the KS letter will be viewed as a whistleblower.

Photo: Charlotte Harvick Sandon / NRK

Why are politicians silent?

Christine Nergaard, a researcher at Fafo, says politicians stay quiet because they want to be out there.

He studies trade union activism and wage negotiations.

– They must be far away. It is the parties in working life who must negotiate the salary. This, he says, is a fundamental precedent in Norwegian working life.

Otherwise, it may affect the principle of free negotiations and free trade union organization.

Nergaard believes politicians were also silent during the SAS strike. In other words, they’re not particularly quiet right now.

Is commenting on strike illegal?

No. Nergaard says it is not illegal for politicians to comment on the strike, but it is professional not to intervene.

The visiting politicians are careful not to say anything. If too many radical politicians come out and speak out, it will give the impression that there is a risk of a forced wage board. He says that could affect the strike again.

Christine Nergaard, FAFO

Christine Nergaard, a researcher at FAFO, believes that national politicians should stay away from the conflict. Otherwise, they can touch on the principle of free negotiations and free trade union organization.

Photo: FAFO

The researcher believes there is broad agreement that strikes should not be politically motivated, as is the case with food prices.

– It should be with those who produce the food and those who buy it. Politicians can’t call stores and ask them to lower the price of bread, Nergaard says.

Did the politicians say anything?

Yes. Education Minister Donjay Brenna (AP) said on Tuesday She believes pArdan knows responsibility They must end the strike and ensure that students return to school.

The parties have the ability to resolve this. That is by trying and trying to find a common solution.

Brenna would not say whether a mandatory wage board is being considered.

– The responsible minister must balance this, because he cannot not answer questions about the department for which he has political responsibility, says Nergaard.

Donjay Brenna

Education Minister Donje Brenna (AP) did not answer whether the government has a solution in the mandatory wage panel, but it is being considered.

Photo: Javad Barza / NTB

What role do local and national politicians play during a strike? Who should say the least?

– The closer you are to power, the less good it is to interfere in wage negotiations, strikes and lockouts. Nergaard says that only those who sit in the Storting and the government can influence.

The same is true for local politicians. Since they are a party to the controversy, as an associate member of the faculty, K.S.

K.S Belongs to all municipalities and districts of the country.

– Local politicians The municipality they govern or represent can influence by being a member of the KS. Thus, he says, they influence their municipality by being a member of the KS.

– Don’t walk out the door

Jana Middlefard-Hoff believes she can talk about the teachers’ strike without bias.

– One should stay away from conflict. Another thing to look out for, she says.

What do you think is the reason why politicians do not speak up?

– Because it won’t happen in Oslo. Not walking out the door is easy to notice. It is a big country. It’s easy to forget.

A former school councilor in Middleford-Half Bergen and represents Hogre on the county council in Westland.

I think the strike will end soon

The government has one tool to stop the strike: the Compulsory Wage Board.

The Ministry of Labor refuses to intervene, but Nergaard believes the strike is coming to an end anyway.

– This is happening to many people and is now starting to become a demand for both parties. But he says I don’t know whether it will be this week or next week.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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