There is also a difference between people when ships crash

There is also a difference between people when ships crash

Debate: On behalf of the 650 people who drowned in the Mediterranean in the hope of a better life, it is difficult to elicit sympathy for the Five Quest Kingdoms who, in a particularly exclusive and perilous voyage, wanted to experience an experience as a ceremonial remembrance for life.

We weigh disasters very differently, says Dispatcher.
  • Rolf Schreiner
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This is the topic of discussion. The post was written by an external contributor, quality assurance by the discussion section of Aftenbladet. Opinions and analyzes are the property of the author.

Recently, an old fishing trawler was on its way from Libya to Italy. On board were 750 refugees – mostly from Pakistan, Syria and Egypt – who each paid around NOK 50,000 to people smugglers for the journey across the Mediterranean. There was a shortage of food and water on board, and the boat capsized and sank to a depth of several hundred meters. About 100 people were saved, and about 650 drowned.

Yes, yes, we think and scroll through the newspapers. Or watch Dagsrevyen’s next feature, without too many thoughts on one of the biggest disasters in the Mediterranean in 30 years. This has happened before. And it will definitely happen again. If you don’t care.

A few days later, the submarine entered the sea on an adventure trip for five people who would each pay NOK 2.5 million for a seat on board. It is the American private company Ocean Gate that has been organizing manned underwater expeditions for two years to reach the wreck of the Titanic, which lies at a depth of 3800 meters. Then the catastrophic thing happens: the submarine Titan loses contact with the support ship Polar Prince. And the world stands still.

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This became front page coverage in all the media in the world – what happened to the five? When a wreck is found and the shipwreck is real, TV2 uses the first quarter of the news broadcast to let us know – we see, among other things, U.S. spokespersons drop tears as they say, “They were true adventurers and a passion to discover and protect the world’s oceans.”

The media insists on what it sells.


Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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