Two tourists have been killed since Friday

Two tourists have been killed since Friday

On Sunday, the Egyptian Ministry of Environment confirmed that another person was killed by a shark in the Red Sea near the coastal city of Hurghada.

This is the second shark attack on Eid Paradise since Friday. Both ended in death.

It is not yet clear if the same shark killed the two women, but they are supposed to be tourists.

The attacks are said to have taken place 600 meters away Sky News.

Austrians and Romanians

German newspaper picture He writes that the woman killed on Friday was Austrian in her 60s, while the woman killed on Sunday was a Romanian in her forties, according to Reuters.

In the wake of the bloody events, it is said that the beach was closed, and the Egyptian authorities opened an investigation.

The area where the accidents occurred is particularly well known for diving.

match: There was a dramatic fight over this guy’s fish in a kayak. Video: KameraOne
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Not on the list

In May, Dagbladet spoke with marine biologist Frederic Mehry. He could say that shark attacks on humans are usually due to a misunderstanding.

There are no sharks we humans have on the list, although there have been rare incidents where sharks attack humans. This usually happens because the shark thinks we’re something we normally eat, like seals or sea turtles, Meyer said.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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