– Totally crazy!

– Totally crazy!

Toronto, Canada (TV 2): It’s not every day that Norwegian films are chosen for North America’s biggest film festival, but Saturday night it happened to the team behind Krigsseileren.

“Now we’re going to show the movie to the world and it’s totally insane,” leading actor Kristoffer Joner told TV 2, minutes before the film’s international premiere in Toronto.

Gunner plays war sailor Alfred in the major drama, which so far has garnered enthusiastic reviews from Norwegian reviewers.

Wet: Christopher Gunner has several unpleasant encounters with the wet element in the movie Krigsseileren.  Photo: Mer Film AS.

Wet: Christopher Gunner has several unpleasant encounters with the wet element in the movie Krigsseileren. Photo: Mer Film AS.

Now the film team is eager to see what American reviewers have to say, but In-Marie Wellman, who plays Alfred’s wife Cecily, is optimistic.

– I think from foreigners who have seen the movie that it has a great resonance and that it is an emotional story. Wellman tells TV 2 it’s a great epic that many people will recognize.

On the other hand, Gunner was more relaxed about the critics’ judgment.

– If they don’t like it, that’s their problem, he smiles.

trample applause

The movie theater in Toronto filled up during the Norwegian film’s screening on Saturday night in Norwegian time, and the audience gave the actors and producers a standing ovation as they took to the stage afterward.

War drama: Actress In-Marie Wellman in the scene recreating the 1944 bombing of the Laksifog school in Bergen. Photo: Stian Servoss/Mer Film AS

War drama: Actress In-Marie Wellman in the scene recreating the 1944 bombing of the Laksifog school in Bergen. Photo: Stian Servoss/Mer Film AS

Producer Maria Eckerhofed believes it may have something to do with the fact that many Canadians are familiar with the themes of the film.

Parts of the film take place in Canada, and Canada has in many ways the same history of sailing into the war as Norway. So it will be interesting to speak to the audience, Eckerhofd tells TV 2.

There will be more opportunities for the Norwegian film team, because Krigsseileren will be showing at the Toronto International Film Festival all weekend.

However, it is not until September 23rd that Norwegian moviegoers will have the opportunity to watch the two-and-a-half-hour war drama.

See also  Culture and Entertainment, Honefoss | Now Martin will try his hand at a true classic song: he will sing it in "Stjernekamp"
Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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