Travel to Sweden to watch Spider-Man – NRK Kultur og underholdning

Travel to Sweden to watch Spider-Man – NRK Kultur og underholdning

– It’s totally hopeless.

This is what Sindre Shjetne Valheim says. He and his friend Simen Westgaard were looking forward to seeing the movie “Spider-Man: No Way Home” At the cinema this Christmas.

The movie was scheduled to hit theaters on December 14th.

Norwegian cinemas are not closed, but with the latest Corona measures, they have to show films at a reduced capacity.

As a result, the Norwegian distributors of “Spider-Man: No Way Home” have chosen to postpone the Norwegian premiere until mid-January at the earliest.

This is despite the fact that the movie premiered as planned in large parts of the world.

– I was very upset when I found out that the film was shown in Norway, says Walheim

Went to the cinema: although the film was not shown in Norwegian cinemas, it did not prevent friends Simin and Cedre from watching Spider-Man.

Went to the cinema: Although the film was not shown in Norwegian cinemas, it did not stop friends Simen and Sindre from watching Spider-Man.

Photo: private

I went to Sweden

The boys saw no other solution than to go to Sweden to see the movie in cinemas.

Waiting for the Norwegian premiere was out of the question for Friends. The Internet is full of small revelations about the film, which in their opinion is impossible to avoid when there is such a long wait.

It can spoil much of the movie and cinema experience, if you learn things about the movie beforehand, says Walheim.

They got into the car and drove across the border. They documented the trip on TikTok

– People laughed at us a little, but I also have friends who booked tickets themselves, say friends.

Although crossing the border took an hour and a half, friends had no doubt that it was worth it.

It was a small price to pay, says Westgaard

Delete social media

Samra Avdagić usually posts illustrations of characters from the Marvel universe on Instagram and TikTok on a daily basis. This is the end of it now.

Samra Avdagic

The Drawer: Samra Avdagić is a huge Spider-Man fan, and now she’s avoiding social media for fear of revealing the movie’s work.

Photo: Munifer Yildiz/NRK

– I would have been very disappointed if some movie had been revealed to me. It ruined the movie experience.

I have taken active steps to avoid disclosure of the events of the film. Among other things, I tried to sabotage the Explore page on Instagram, where the app is happy to show you things it thinks you’ll like.

Avdagić started liking posts to destroy algorithms, so you wouldn’t get Spider-man content on the explore page.

I have deleted the YouTube app and stopped using TikTok and Twitter.

Record movie recordings

Ticket sales in cinemas around the world have been severely affected by the epidemic in the past two years. In the US, no film has so far fetched over NOK 900 million in its opening weekend.

The latest “Spider-Man” movie was no exception when it came out just before the weekend.

It turns out not to vote.

according to diverse. In North America, it earned up to 2.3 billion crowns.

The film is thus the third highest-grossing opening weekend movie ever, bested only by the studio’s “Avengers: Endgame” and “Avengers: Infinity War” traps.

Unlike many other big films released during the pandemic, “Spider-Man: No Way Home” starts exclusively in cinemas. Thus it cannot be accessed at the same time via the streaming service.

Unlocks the “Multiverse”

Caution: If you do not want to know the contents Trailers To “Spider-Man: No Way Home,” don’t read in:

Spider-Man: Impossible for Home

Spider-Man: There are a lot of expectations associated with the new Spider-Man movie, including the return of characters from old movies.

Photo: AP

The movie “Spider-Man: No Way Home” had a massive hit ahead of its launch.

The main role is played by Briton Tom Holland, but he is not the first to swing between skyscrapers on the big screen.

Hollywood teens Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield have both been wearing blue and red latex for the past 20 years.

With this film, Marvel opens the so-called “multiverse”. Pictures from the trailers show that the bad guys from the old versions of Spider-Man are back. In an inferno of smoke, concrete and explosions, legends like The Green Goblin and Dr. Octopus and Electro.

It is currently unclear if Maguire and Garfield will be involved.

Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst

Return?: Tobey Maguire previously played Spider-Man, so will he appear in the new movie?

won’t answer

SF Studios distributes “Spider-Man: No Way Home” in Norway.

Catherine Aamodt, who heads the company’s marketing in Norway, will not comment on the case for NRK.

NRK via Aamodt has contacted the film’s production company Sony for comment. We have not yet managed to get an answer.

When NRK spoke with SF studios last week They pointed to a Facebook post.

“It’s worth the wait!” the company wrote about the film.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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