A clear message from Georgia

A clear message from Georgia
  • Norway – Georgia, at 20.45 on Tuesday

Ulval (Dagbladet): Georgia coach Willy Sagnol spoke at a press conference at Ulval Stadium this evening.

On Tuesday, Norway faces a competitor in the European Union qualifiers. Georgia comes to Oslo to rise from the rubble.

On Friday, the team lost to its guest Spain 7-1 in Tbilisi. Coach Sagnol was not kind when he described the experience in tonight’s press conference:

– It was a complete disaster on our part. We have lost all the values ​​that made the group so strong in the last two years. There was no discipline, no team spirit, no aggression, the 46-year-old Frenchman shouted from the podium.

Arrived in Oslo: Willy Sagnol and Georgia are in Norway. Image: NTP
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Norway and Georgia both have four points and finished behind Scotland and Spain. A win alone is enough for both teams in tomorrow’s crowded Olivale match.

Coach Sagnol is not just a figure in the world of football. He has 58 caps for France. After his career, he coached at Bordeaux, Bayern Munich (assistant) and Georgia. Among other things.

But why did he praise John Arne Reyes at tonight’s press conference?

The occasion was a question from Dagbladet, who pointed out that the two played together in Monaco at the turn of the millennium. Reise was a left-back, and Sagnol was a right-back with the team in the Principality.

Meet the Press: Willy Sagnol (centre) answers critical questions from the media after the 7-1 loss to Spain on Friday.  Photo: Tore Ulrike Bratland

Meet the Press: Willy Sagnol (centre) answers critical questions from the media after the 7-1 loss to Spain on Friday. Photo: Tore Ulrike Bratland
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Sagnol was clearly impressed by the question and spoke warmly about the 110-cap Avaldsnes coach.

– Unfortunately, we have not been in contact for some time, he tells Dagbladet.

– It’s a pity, because we were good friends in Monaco. He was young. I was young. I’ve followed him throughout his career. He’s had a great career.

Sagnol continues:

– He was a great fighter. I loved playing with him. I would love to meet him again. Maybe he is in the area. He just has to send a message. I will gladly meet him.

Proud moment: Willy Sagnol (TV) and John Arne Reisz celebrate the series championship with Monaco in 1999. Reisz with his arm around goalkeeper legend Fabien Barthez.  Image: NTP

Proud moment: Willy Sagnol (TV) and John Arne Reisz celebrate the series championship with Monaco in 1999. Reisz with his arm around goalkeeper legend Fabien Barthez. Image: NTP
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The coach expressed that Georgia will be completely different when it meets Norway. The last time – when the two teams met in Batumi on the Black Sea – Haaland had to report an injury.

This time the target machine is ready. Dreadlocks or not. Time will tell.

– How are you going to stop him? asks Dagbladet.

– I don’t know, because I don’t play anymore. I could have answered you 20 to 25 years ago,” Sagnol says with a twinkle in his eye.

He praised Syden-sveis

He praised Syden-sveis

He adds more seriously:

– I am happy that my players were able to meet Haaland. He is one of the best – if not the best – strikers in the world. The players are very excited.

Start on Tuesday: 20.45.

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Najuma Ojukwu

Najuma Ojukwu

"Infuriatingly humble internet trailblazer. Twitter buff. Beer nerd. Bacon scholar. Coffee practitioner."

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