Boat Club in Freya Proposition: – Like believing in Santa Claus

Boat Club in Freya Proposition: – Like believing in Santa Claus

I think people are aware that in the areas where she is, people who have low boats or boats that she can get into should try to move them.

This is what a researcher from the Institute of Marine Research said. Kathryn Reing, during Monday’s DoxNit 18 broadcast.

She and former nature supervisor Per Espen Fjeld debated His post That the much talked about walrus should be shot.

Burr Espen Fjeld and Kathryn Reing in discussion during TaxNit 18

Per Espen Fjeld and Kathryn Reing during a discussion at DoxNit 18.

Photo: NRK

Fjeld says he didn’t understand anything from Riang, which he interprets as professional advice from an expert.

– says the Institute of Oceanographic Research is startling. I shake my head, Fjeld tells NRK.

– Like believing in Santa Claus

He is supported by the Oslofjord’s largest boating association in Vallo outside Dansberg.

Freya can easily board many of the 1,270 boats in the harbor. Harald Nordnes, the association’s general manager, says moving too many boats at once can cause confusion.

It’s like believing in Santa Claus. It is utopian, he says of the relocation project.

Nordnes hopes they won’t be seen by the walrus.

– We talked about it here and hope it doesn’t come here. If it is to be avoided altogether, the entrance to the port should be closed entirely. It won’t work, he says.

Vallo Ferry Port in Dansberg

Vallo Ferry Port has over 1,000 boats.

Photo: Philipp Hofgaard / NRK

Considering moving

When asked if it would be possible to move hundreds, perhaps even thousands of boats, Reing at the Institute of Marine Research responds:

But I would say that euthanasia should be based on human health, i.e. if people’s lives and health are at risk. This is important and it has been very carefully considered.

Rhing is supported by the Directorate of Fisheries.

– We understand that damage to one’s boats is unfortunate and regrettable. But one move would be to move their boats or other things that could prevent her from getting on board, says the Fisheries Directorate’s communications director. Nadia Jdaini for NRK on Tuesday.

Walruses are wild, protected and red listed animals.

Jadani in the Directorate of Fisheries said, Euthanasia is completely out of the question, but they continue to evaluate whether to move the walrus.


Freya is currently unmoved.

Photo: Dor Eric Schroeder / NTP

A few injuries were reported

In recent weeks, Freya has visited several locations on the coast, primarily in Oslofjord. Many boats were damaged.

NRK’s ​​insurance companies have been contacted and say they have received few claims so far.

They say they have recorded two boat damage related to Freya visits.

– Unfortunately, I don’t have an overview of what the damages were in kroner and øre, says communications manager Sigmund Clements.

Fremtind reported one boat damage, Gjensdige says they reported some damage after the Walrus. However, they have received many inquiries from people who want to check whether their insurance covers potential freya damage.

– Most boat owners have comprehensive insurance, and then you will be covered for damage, says Bjarne Aani Rysstad, communications manager at Gjensidge.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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