Higher Education, NTNU | 180 degrees from Sandra Porch: – Small and helpless

Higher Education, NTNU |  180 degrees from Sandra Porch: – Small and helpless

Many have criticized the government for introducing tuition fees for students from outside the EU/EEA area who want to study at a Norwegian university or college.

University of Stavanger (UIS) He has said These now pay NOK 80,000 to NOK 150,000 in school fees per academic year at UiS.

One of the critics of the tuition fee is Sandra Porch (Sp), who oversees the scheme today as Research and Higher Education Minister.

As the leader of Centrumyungdomen, in 2013 he persuaded the parent party not to support tuition fees for international students.

“Sandra Porch’s opposition to the Planning Commission’s proposal to introduce tuition fees for foreign nationals was also successful,” he wrote. NRK.

– We got approval for all the big issues we fought for, Porche told the channel and pointed to a list that included it in the victories.

The study disappeared

In some cases, Norwegian students will be affected by the scheme. Courses or study programs have to be closed because there are not enough applicants, and often these are life-changing courses that fall on international students.

At NTNU Alesund, the entire master’s program in the Department of ICT and Science is closed due to tuition fees. It is called study Simulation and visualization.

– This year we had many qualified applicants from countries outside the EU/EEA. Head of department Rune Volden tells Netavisen that when the request for payment came, there were no applicants.

In the end, there were only four students, and then the result gave itself.

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– Based on this, NTNU chose to close the program based on poor applicant numbers and funding, says Wolden.

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Foreign students have to pay their own fees

– Wisdom is not reserved for the young

– Hege Bae Nyholt, education policy spokesperson at Rødt, tells Nettavisen that the cut is trivial and unsupportive of the government.

It’s not often that Tronder asks people to listen to Sandra Porch, but after reading the news about Porch’s opposition to tuition fees ten years ago, she does exactly this:

– Being united and smart is not reserved for the young. Bae Nyholt tells Borch that I recommend her to read her own notes from the 2013 national meeting and abolish tuition fees for foreign students.

– No change of mind allowed in Norway?

– Of course, but I want to remind Porsche What his predecessor, Ola Borden Moe, said. We will run out of people in this country before we run out of money’. That’s what you do with this strategy.

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Politician Rødt believes that the sector will receive cuts in subsidies collected from tuition fees, but there will be fewer foreign students than expected, so universities will not be able to recoup the money.

– I fear that scaring away foreign students will lead to the impoverishment of many important professional contexts, which will lead to cuts in the sector.

– Older and more sensible

During the Storting’s question time on Wednesday, the Rødt politician surprised Porch by pulling the minister’s previous statements.

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Porch, who knew how to appreciate a good debate, couldn’t hide a sly smile when faced with his own words.

– Fortunately, you get older and maybe a little wiser over the years, she replied.

He justifies his position that many countries have introduced tuition fees for foreign students, while Norwegian universities have agreements to transfer students to other countries, without the student having to pay the full fee.

– In principle, I think it is absolutely correct to introduce tuition fees, ten years ago I thought otherwise.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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