– I made huge mistakes – VG

– I made huge mistakes – VG
Hertogen: Megan, here at the Global Citizen Live Festival in Central Park in New York in September.

Thomas Markle Jr. (55) in Australia’s “Big Brother VIP” to show his famous sister (40) that he’s polished it up.

The Duchess has not called her older brother since then get married With Prince Harry (37) in 2018.

Even before the wedding, the American Thomas Markle spoke Megan is very critical. Not least that he grabbed attention when he said he did it Harry warned That Meghan “would have ruined his life”.

Portions of what has happened since then are well-documented history. Not only did Meghan and Harry residing in the United States cause their relationship with Meghan’s father’s family to be strained, the Prince and Princess also had a number of reasons. The distance to the British royal family.

Megan’s father: She never stopped loving my daughter

But now Megan’s older brother wants to bury the hatchet. Markle says he did not apologize directly, but in an interview with the Australian website new idea He says that he agreed to “big brother” to communicate with his sister.

– I really wish Megan watches. That’s why I’m here, so you can see me for what I am, says the 55-year-old.


Markle says he didn’t deal well with the public interest when his sister became an overnight property. The 55-year-old describes it as being thrown to the wolves.

I made some huge mistakes, and I still regret them. I may have overreacted because the same thing that happened to Megan happened to me, he says and compares with the sudden interest from around the world.

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Important participants: fv: Bernard Carey, Imogen Anthony, Thomas Markle and Amousa.

Markle adds that he hopes everybody Now you want to see a new side of it.

I am generous and kind, and I have taken off my shirt for whom I need. Then I’m funny, says Markle.

He talks about his upbringing and the alleged close relationship he had with his sister, which his father had with his second wife.

I love my sister, I always did, says Markle, who says he would like to meet his nephew and niece, Archie (2) and completely Newborn Lillipet.

…but this is Megan on TV

Although Markle says he wished he had more to do, he still had to make some fun statements about his sister too at the “Big Brother” premiere on Monday.

Among other things, he will do it daily Mail She told the other contestants that she changed after establishing herself as an actress in Hollywood.

STAR COUPLE: Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan in New York in September. The two are now building their own business and joint venture.

– Nobody understands what happened to her. I think money is the reason. Money and fame went to her head in a very bad way.

Markle has also reportedly spoken about Meghan’s first husband, film producer Trevor Engelson (45), and the way Meghan will roll when the relationship ends.

Among other things, he talked about Meghan returning her wedding ring by mail.

– Is it cold or not? Now it’s Harry’s head lying on the block, Markle was said to have said.

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In “Big Brother VIP,” Markle competes against actors, models, designers, politicians, and athletes, including Caitlyn Jenner (72). Regarding the program, Markle himself was wearing the appropriate tag “Famous Big Brother”.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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