– It’s absolutely central – NRK Norway – an overview of news from different parts of the country

– It’s absolutely central – NRK Norway – an overview of news from different parts of the country

He was previously diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic, as confirmed by multiple sources. He says he is healthy now, and beyond that, experts have been appointed to provide a detailed account of his mental health at the time of the crime and the current period, according to Bernd Heiberg, a lawyer at the Elton law firm. NRK

He is talking about his client, Janier Mathapur (43).

Heiberg was one of many who defended Matapur after shootings at several nightclubs in Oslo’s Rosencrantz Gate on the night of Saturday, June 25 this year killed two and injured 21 others.

Monday 1 August is the deadline for many health institutions to provide information to the state administrator in Oslo and Vikken. The accused may have received health and care services within the last five years.

This case is of great importance to us, so you will clarify as soon as possible, says NRK’s ​​State Executive Attorney Thea Marie Lindquist Belseth.

Mental illness theme in court cases

Mathapur has been charged with murder with terroristic intent. Police hypothesize that the attack was the result of radical Islamic terrorism, a hate crime or mental illness.

On Friday of last week, Matapur had his first meeting with two of the three court-appointed experts who will examine his mental state, Ciné Sorheim and Paul Crandall. Defender Heiberg confirmed this to NRK.


Bernd Heiberg (left) and John Christian Elton defend terror accused Janier Matapour. They don’t know his full medical history.

Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTP

Heiberg would not say anything about Matapour’s alleged recovery after the June attack.

I note what he tells us, what diagnoses were made in the past, and how the court described the psychological problems in his previous relationship. In repeated contact with the courts, psychological problems have been described.

Doubts about his well-being?

This is obvious, otherwise experts would not have been appointed. The condition of experts is precisely the need to give a comprehensive account of mental health.

Is this something he should have picked up because he was in touch with government agencies?

In any case, it is easy to think that it should have been caught at an earlier time. But we have to take a closer look at the two supervisory cases and see what the experts will decide later.

Looking for deviations from good practice

Oslo Municipality, Oslo University Hospital, Diakonjemmet Hospital and Lövsenberg Diakonale Hospital have been asked to hand over information.

In order to conclude a violation, there must be a specific deviation from what is called good practice.

    Thea Marie Lindquist Belseth, State Administrator in Oslo and Viken

Thea Marie Lindquist Belseth, state administrator in Oslo and Viken, says the oversight case is a high priority.

Photo: NRK

Belseth speaks on a general basis. What a former patient does after recovery is not part of the assessment, he says.

We do not relate what happened after that, but what the services knew at the time they were in contact with the patient or users.

– Absolutely central

Defender Heiberg is well aware that a surveillance case has been established.

We think it makes sense. When a person with such a diagnosis undertakes such an action, it is natural to see whether follow-up has been adequate in the past.

How important do you think the mental health of the accused is to the question of guilt?

It is absolutely central. Both as to whether it should be considered an act of terrorism or whether it is the result of illness. And with regard to the question of sanity, the question of mental health of the accused would be crucial.

He can’t go into the health care already provided, but Matapur confirms that he has been in touch with the health care system for a long time. They could not clarify if he had recovered recently.

As of now, we have not got all the documents for that. He doesn’t want to remove the duty of confidentiality vis-à-vis the police so the police have less chance of getting that information.

Heiberg would not say whether Matapour had declassified his bodyguards, but insisted they were in close contact with him.

We talk to him every day, but we don’t interrogate him.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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