Municipal Elections, Jonas Kahr Store | He was the winner of the party leader debate in Bergen

Municipal Elections, Jonas Kahr Store |  He was the winner of the party leader debate in Bergen

During the first party leader debate of the year on TV 2, both aged care and the economy were discussed. It all ended with questions from voters.

It’s a short debate on NRK, which means there’s little difference between politicians. Many of them provided the usual discussion, but:

This year, too, we try to assess how politicians appear to their potential voters and how they engage in debate. Rankings say nothing about who we agree with the most.

Who do you think won the debate? Cast your vote below!

Jonas Carr Store: 4

Paris does most of the attacking and doesn’t get caught much. Keeps power and mood in everything. Solberg can be put on the defensive in the debate over elder care. The previous government didn’t do enough, he believes, without a clear answer for Solberg.

The government is trying to convince us that it should listen to the grocery companies, but only comes up with confusing solutions. Unfortunately for Storr, he only gets on the offensive in a few short exchanges against Solberg and spends the rest of the time on the defensive. He should answer briefly, and better when the strong four is available.

Erna Solberg: 4

Today is quiet, and may be offensive. Being honest gets a plus when it comes to being defensive when you have to discuss elder care with the store, but not wanting to promise more than you can deliver.

In the second part he mentions several financial schemes in the short term. She wants to see import protection, provide free nursery school and reduce taxes and duties.

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Get ready for Storr’s critique of the property tax. Storr wonders where the Conservative Party will fall when it comes to cutting taxes. Solberg counters by asking Storr where families should get cuts when taxes and levies are increased.

Trygway Slackswold Veda: 4

The finance minister enjoys more security than he did in the past. It repeats what the government has done for the public purse or for the districts.

He hesitates when he argues that the Senterparti municipality in Steinkjer has the country’s highest property tax. Hydroelectricity can be talked about, but is not allowed by the providers. Scripture delights in dropping platitudes like “it’s about the people” and “the old people we love so much.”

Sylvie Listock: 5

Committed and assertive in elder care. Not only does he spend more money on the elderly, but he also proposes cuts, including 23 billion for the Sørlige Nordsjø II project.

The debate on private finance has been revived. Paris Vedham is fine with following his own advice, pointing out that there are many out there who aren’t attracted to Vedham’s cash prizes.

Do your part to separate yourself from the right. Storr and Solberg call them “Siamese twins” and point out that the Conservative Party has supported most of the government’s tax increases in its budgets. Solberg would plead guilty.

He didn’t hesitate for a second when considering Pollestad’s criticism of immigration.

Kirsty Bergstow: 3

Sometimes she would talk about old favorite topics instead of answering what was asked. Ending up again in the shadow of his red rival, Sneve Martinussen. Fatigue and lack of assertiveness as she answers people’s questions in the last third. It was nice to see her characteristic twinkle in her eye, though it didn’t happen often tonight.

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Mary Snave Martinussen: 4

Takes the floor and keeps it in the first part. Easy to understand in clear language. A breath of fresh air in these discussions.

More straightforward on the economic front, where she doesn’t buy the government’s arguments for keeping the food VAT intact. Hits the target group when they want to increase minimum benefits and reduce food VAT and dental bills. It takes more talk time to reach the height.

Kuri Melbi: 4

The debate on aged care has not been out of place, but there has been much more along the way.

Interrupts a lot, but keeps his speech interesting. A blow to him when the scriptures pointed out that raising taxes in the business world also harmed the people. Finally the attack on Hermstadt. Weak boundaries.

Arild Hermstad: 3

A parenthesis in the discussion of elder care. Reluctance when he has to rely on his own cues.

Somewhat better in economics, but doesn’t affect the discussion much. Those who want to keep their groceries but don’t want to cut VAT on food have won out. If the VAT reduction is not reaching consumers, it is because competition is not working, Hermstad points out.

Overall, slightly better than last time, again landing in third place.

Olaug Bollestad: 2

Can’t stand alone like last time. Gone is the warm and intimate Bolstad we saw in Arendal. Doesn’t get any memorable points, and is better at problem descriptions than solutions.

Tries to get arbitrary immigration debate against Sylvi Listhaug, but without success.

Arild Riise and Yvonne Fondenes (hosts): 4

He allows more interruptions than his colleagues at NRK and is somewhat exaggerated in his description of the state of care for the elderly. And does a lot right. Nidhi is on a shopping trip and is shown food items that have gone up in price. A visual trick that works.

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Faced with higher property taxes in the Center Party municipality, Fontanes did not allow himself to change course. Both keep good time when politicians have only 20 seconds to answer.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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