Police chasing a dangerous dog: – Don’t let your dog on the air

Police chasing a dangerous dog: – Don’t let your dog on the air

The Southeast Police District reported Monday morning that two dogs had escaped in Porsgrunn.

– They write on Twitter at 07.31 that two large stray dogs of the Caucasian ovtcharka breed ran away and clashed with the dog owner who was walking his dog in the morning.

The Caucasian Ovtsharka is a Russian guard dog that originates from the Caucasus Mountains.

Facts: Caucasian Ovtsharka

Caucasian ovtcharka is a Russian guard dog The Caucasus in the southwest Russia.

This breed protects herds from poachers and thieves in mountainous areas and is very hardy.

The species is now found outside of Russia.

It is large, rugged and powerful with a strong protective instinct.

Source: Store Norske Lexicon.

In an update, police write that they have one of the two dogs under their control.

– A dog is still out of control. This dog is considered very dangerous, especially to other dogs.

In this regard, all dog owners are advised to be careful, stay away, and contact when observed.

– Police encourage all dog owners not to release dogs until the last dog is under control. Applicable to Porsgrunn center and nearby areas, they write on Twitter at 08.24.

The case is being updated.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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