New Zealand tried to expel the man behind terrorist attacks for several years

New Zealand tried to expel the man behind terrorist attacks for several years

seven people was attacked with a knife For Ahmed Athel Mohamed Samsuddin, 32, at a supermarket in Auckland, Friday.

Three of them remain in critical condition on Sunday.

The offender was shot and killed on the spot by detectives who had been constantly watching him since July. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says the man was inspired by the Islamic extremist group ISIS.

On Sunday, a court order preventing the man’s name and immigration status from being published was overturned. Ardern says the Immigration Service has tried to deport the man, who holds Sri Lankan citizenship, since 2018.

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Came to New Zealand in 2011 on a student visa. Then apply for refugee status. The application was rejected, but he appealed the ruling, and was granted refugee status in December 2013.

In 2016, the man ended up in the spotlight at the Police Department and the Immigration Authority when they learned of information indicating that the man’s refugee status had been granted on incorrect grounds.

His refugee status was revoked in 2019 and he was due to be expelled outside the country, but the man appealed the deportation decision.

protected mode

The International Intelligence Agency then investigated whether the man could have been arrested while the appeal was being processed.

It was very frustrating and disappointing when the legal conclusion was that this wasn’t possible, says Ardern.

The man was considered a “protected person” because of the state of the country from which he traveled, and as a result of the presumed treatment he would receive there if returned. People with protected status cannot be deported from New Zealand.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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