Single Marti Ork Antonsen | “Bachelor” Marty broke off his engagement and fled the country

Single Marti Ork Antonsen |  “Bachelor” Marty broke off his engagement and fled the country

Three weeks ago, “The Bachelor” returned to Norwegian television screens. Where 20 single girls live together, and through frequent dating, they will try to capture the hearts of singles Alexander Lund (30 years old) and Amadou Sekka (27 years old).

Participant Marte Urke Antonsen (28 years old) is one of the suitors currently fighting for love on TVNorge. She has previously been in and out of different relationships, but recently was able to reveal to Secka that she has had a difficult love life in recent years.

-I was engaged. Believe it or not, Antonsen reveals to Nettavisen.

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I took to bed

The 28-year-old traveled from Olsztynvik to Rhodes in the hope of finding love with Amadou Sekka. When Nettavisen caught up with her while taping in the spring, she made no secret of the fact that the Bachelorette is the epitome of her type.

But although Antonsen is now proposing to enter a new relationship, his love life has not always been a bed of roses. Three years ago, she got engaged, but after two months she decided to break off the engagement.

Antonsen says the proposal was made three years into the relationship, but it came as a big surprise to her.

– I was so badly carried to bed. I am a difficult person to fool. “I’m very committed and he knew that, so he decided to do it on his birthday, which I definitely wasn’t expecting,” she says.

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Did not vote

On the other hand, the engagement was difficult for Antonsen, who realized it wasn’t what she wanted in a relationship when she got the engagement ring on her finger. The 28-year-old told Netavisen that she was more concerned with the look of the ring, rather than the feeling of being engaged.

– I talked a lot with my friends, and they asked me excitedly how I felt. I replied that I was still a bit in shock and waiting for it to calm down a little, as you remember.

But the shock did not settle on Antonsen. A month later, she still had doubts and concluded that the engagement was not going well.

– I had to do some rounds with myself to see if it was right to say yes. “We got engaged in September, but after thinking about it for a very long time, we broke it off in March,” she says.

“Making the decision was not easy,” she adds.

Her boyfriend at the time must have sensed Antonsen’s uncertainty and agreed to the decision to break off the engagement. However, he wanted the two of them to figure it out together.

She says: – I was very clear that I could not reveal everything that was wrong with me while I had to deal with someone else.

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Narcissistic traits

According to Antonsen, she then had to realize several new aspects of herself, which she herself claims were not positive.

-I realized that I am quite “toxic” and have many narcissistic traits. And I participated “He wasn’t very fun to deal with,” she says.

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After digging deeper into herself and working on herself, she got a new boyfriend in October 2021. According to Antonsen, he was the coolest person she had ever met.

For the 28-year-old, he was a gift sent from the universe, but in the end it turned out that he was the male version of the narcissistic ex she had been.

“He took away all my self-confidence and was not the person I thought he was,” says Antonsen.

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Once again, Antonsen had to go through a period of separation that came with finding a way to return to his own values. Then it turned out to be an intense period with a lot of self-focus.

Try your luck abroad

Then, slowly but surely, Antonsen’s life became brighter than it had been since she broke off her engagement.

However, she emphasizes that self-development is a long journey and believes that you will always learn new things about yourself throughout your life.

But in the fall, she appeared on the TV show “The Bachelor” after a casting agency contacted her and asked if she would like to participate.

“Then I thought that if love doesn’t work out in real life, I’d better check if it works on TV,” she says, laughing.

It remains to be seen whether this concept has helped Antonsen find love. The 28-year-old is very tight-lipped about what has already come out of the program and what the future holds.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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