Full inspection after disclosure

Full inspection after disclosure

Daily newspaper The panel recently said it was moving towards a grand trial. The government’s handling of Norwegian aid to Ukraine will come under scrutiny following allegations of confusion, delays and weak internal coordination.

Dagbladet can yesterday Also tell me that Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl (SP) halted the treatment of Ukrainian soldiers in Norway this spring..

This is After The Ministry of External Affairs initially accepted the request. Weeks passed before Mehl gave Ukraine the same response as the Foreign Ministry initially.

– Clumsy and slow

It was informative Mehl didn’t give Storting when he explained himself, Dogbladet could tell as well.

– It is serious that we did not take wounded Ukrainian soldiers to Norway earlier because of the government’s delay. In a case involving human life, Venstre president Kuri Melby tells Talkblade that the case has been confusingly and slowly handled by the government for months.

– If it now turns out that the Minister of Justice withheld information from the Storting, it does not inspire much confidence, he adds.

Melby has now put written questions to Mehl about the basis for the suspension of the case, amid heightened hostilities in Ukraine.

– Ukraine is fighting for its independence against a brutal superior power and needs all the help it can get. Instead, we had to wait for weeks for estimates, inter-ministerial confusion and unclear messages from the government. A day has now come when the Ministry of Justice has unceremoniously stopped the evacuation of injured soldiers.

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Other campuses

It was Melby who started the matter already in the Storting on 2 May this year, when the Liberal leader asked Mehl if he could confirm that Norway had received requests for Ukrainian soldiers and wanted to help.

– The pre-summer debate would have been different if we had known that the Ministry of Justice had halted the evacuation, in apparent conflict with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There would have been a discussion with the different campuses that the government had to respond to, and now they have to do it instead when they reopen the Storting.

Control committee chairman Peter Frølich (H) yesterday responded to Mehl’s failure to inform the Storting of the Justice Ministry’s intervention. Fröhlich does not deny that he breached his duty to provide information to the Storting.

Declares the control function

FRP’s Erlend Viborg, who sits on the municipal board, says the case could turn out to be too serious for the minister.

– Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl, responding to the Storting on the acceptance of wounded Ukrainian soldiers for treatment in Norway, would have been more serious if she had hidden information. Wiborg tells Duckblade that we have a moral obligation to help the brave Ukrainian people in their fight against Russian aggression, and then it’s painful to think that the government’s delay has affected wounded Ukrainian soldiers.

Announcing the review: Erlend Viborg of Frp.

Announcing the review: Erlend Viborg of Frp.
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Now the control panel will take the matter further, he warns.

– I believe that this is clearly a matter for the control committee, because the Minister of Justice may have breached the obligation to provide information to the Storting. I expect this to be a topic when the committee reconvenes soon, says Wiborg.

Dagbladet recently wrote about it Emilie Enger Mehl, by all accounts, will be one of the ministers called on the carpet for the Control Panel. In autumn. Prime Minister Jonas Karstor (AP) is another who will soon have to answer for himself in a possible investigation.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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