Norwegian Politics, Speed ​​Limit | New highways have lower speed limits:

Norwegian Politics, Speed ​​Limit |  New highways have lower speed limits:

The Green Party (MDG) is now gaining the support of unexpected parties. NAF agrees with environmental party that reduced motor lanes should be built – with lower speed limit.

– MRTen Stordalen Nettavisen, FRP’s traffic policy spokesman, says the NAF is now very surprised to be attacking modern and proper road development.

NAF proposes to reduce the speed limit on future motorways from 110 to 90 km / h by introducing a new standard with 2/3 lanes on less busy roads, replacing the 4-lane motorway.

– These measures will significantly reduce costs. This means lower fares for people when a new road is built, and more people will benefit from the road as more people can use it, NAF’s communications manager Camila Rieste said in a statement on Monday.

read more: Against own government: Prefers lower speed limits

– Backward and primitive

Together with Naturvernforbundet and Bondelaget, the NAF has now sent a letter to Transport Minister Jon-Ivar Nygård (Labor Party) proposing new road standards.

They write in the letter that by making the road structure cheaper, greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced, land occupation will be reduced, noise will be reduced and the risk of accident will be reduced.

– Nature Conservation Association, MDG and Bondelaget are lagging behind in the modern and futuristic development of the motorway network, but it is not surprising that the NAF claims to be an enthusiastic organization of motorists. , Says Stortalan.

But MDG wants to reduce the speed limit to 90 km / h on all motorways, while NAF believes that four lanes with 110 km / h still to be built where there is more than 15,000 vehicles per day.

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This is not guaranteed for Stortell.

– It helps to reduce travel time and does not reduce the safe roads we have. Unfortunately, he says there are plenty of examples in this country of previous governments taking over government offices on the roads built for yesterday’s transport base.

read more: MDG will remove all motorways in Oslo: – Cannot be taken seriously

NAF: – That is wrong

However, the NAF’s communications manager has reacted strongly to the FRP’s allegations.

– Frp is wrong to say that the proposal does not take into account the possibility of increasing traffic in the future. Roads will continue to be built for 110km / h and four lanes at an estimated 20,000 cars a day 20 years ago. In other words, it’s not current traffic, as Frp puts it, says Ryste Nettavisen.

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He emphasizes the need to think differently when laying roads.

– The NAF is concerned that road maintenance requires more money today than politicians set aside. Therefore, roads should be built as smartly and cost-effectively as possible, says Reiste, and points out:

In addition, customs cannot continue to grow in government like the FRP. New, major highways cost motorists a lot in the form of tolls.

NAF estimates NOK 100 billion maintenance balance.

– It’s expensive

Stordalan points out that several road sections have been built, and a few years later four departments had to be planned and developed.

– If the same areas were built immediately for the real need for the future, the result would be more expensive and often more occupation of land, he says.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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