Skrik activist received NTNU award: – Justifies illegal activities

Skrik activist received NTNU award: – Justifies illegal activities

One of those who tried to stick to Skrik has received an NTNU award. FRP politicians react strongly.

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On Friday last week, Postgraduate Researcher at NTNU Christina Visacorby stood on stage and accepted the award. Science Rebellion NorwayScience Rebellion NorwayThe Scientist Rebellion is an international group of scientists and educators using civil disobedience and other unconventional means to communicate the climate crisis. .

In November 2022, Staab tried to attach himself to Skrik at the National Museum in Oslo on behalf of an organization called Oljeletinga.

FrP's Education and Research Policy Spokesperson Himanshu Gulati strongly opposes NTNU's move.

– He tells Viji that being a government agency, they reward and justify illegal activities and encourage such anarchic activities.

Himanshu Gulati (FrP).

By standing, Gulati believes this sends a strong signal when the recipient of the award is participating in an illegal and unacceptable activity.

– They could destroy a national cultural treasure and one of the world's most famous works of art, and the culture minister also called this an unacceptable act at the time.

Chrono He mentioned the award ceremony first.

– Not to an individual

Cristina Visacorby thinks that Gulati did not distinguish between the award received by the Scientist Rebel Organization and the Skrik operation.

– The award is not for me, but for the organization. As far as I know, the award has nothing to do with the scream campaign, he tells VG.

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Visakarbi is not the head of the organization but accepted the award because he participated in the campaigns organized by them.

– I believe the strongest and most important signal here is that NTNU chooses to honor a group that has contributed research papers, media articles, legal demonstrations and active use of social media to communicate the seriousness of the climate crisis.

Kristiina Visakorpi (centre) and Angeline Bruls receive the award from Øyvind Gregersen, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences.

It is a communication award called “Communicator of the Year”.

Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences at NTNU, Øyvind Weiby Gregersen, says the award is based on discussion entries during meetings, scientific communication and newspaper articles.

– The award is given to an organization and not to an individual. We don't look at the membership list when awarding an organization, Gregerson tells VG.

While Viscorby tried to stick with Schrick, he insists it was for a different system from the prized one.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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