Tips for places where a lot of people live near (asylum reception centers, barracks, prisons, boats, etc.)

general advice

General infection control tips applicable in all situations:

  • Patients should stick to themselves and test themselves according to the recommended testing regimen.
  • Good hand and cough hygiene and good cleaning.

Read more about tips for vulnerable, protected and vulnerable groups:

Special challenges as many live close to it

The spread of infection primarily occurs indoors where many people are close to each other. Many large outbreaks have been seen in homes where unvaccinated people share bedrooms and where people generally live close to each other. The risk of infection is higher in small rooms with poor ventilation. The risk also increases with length of stay.

In places where many people live close to each other, it can be difficult for an individual to maintain a distance and reduce the number of contacts. Although there is often little space and many common facilities such as the kitchen, bathroom and living room, it is important that everyone has the opportunity to keep their distance from others. This is especially important in places where many people live close to each other and vaccine coverage is unknown, for example in refugee arrival centers or in workplaces with many foreign workers.

Other places that may be susceptible to outbreaks are cruise ships, prisons, or facilities where workers live in the workplace (eg in barracks platforms).

The risk of infection increases with the number of people living together and with the number of unvaccinated people. If several groups share housing, a person’s infection will spread more easily. So it may be appropriate to divide people into smaller groups.

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In order to reduce the risk of infection spreading in places of residence where many people live close to each other and there are likely to be many unvaccinated people, the possibility of testing, detection of infection, good compliance with advice and clear communication are required. There should be a risk assessment and a plan for how accommodations will be organized. It should be included in the plan where and how sick people are isolated, and possibly how these people will be transported without using public transportation.

Practical advice to fight infection


  • Everyone over the age of 12 should get the coronary artery vaccine according to the National Immunization Program. It is an advantage if a coronary artery vaccine is offered as soon as possible. I see Who can get the coronary artery vaccine?


  • For reasons of infection control of the individual, as few housing units as possible should be accommodated. A housing unit is defined as an apartment or part of a building that contains a bedroom, bathroom/toilet and a kitchen. It is preferable that the number of persons should not exceed five and should not exceed 10 persons per housing unit. These should be the same over time.
  • Private rooms are recommended, but as an exception, up to five people can be accommodated in the same bedroom for short stays or close family ties (eg parents and young children).
  • Where several unvaccinated people live together, for example in asylum reception centers or barracks towns, the house/building should be divided so that smaller groups (5-10 max) have the opportunity to use a separate common area, or groups can use the areas at different times .
  • If people arriving in Norway are to be quarantined at the same time and have to share accommodation, sharing accommodation with others who have already been accommodated for some time should be avoided. Those in quarantine should also avoid contact with each other, so as not to infect each other during the quarantine period. See the appropriate place for quarantine.
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common area

If different groups that are not partially vaccinated have to share a kitchen or bathroom, they should:

  • Meal times are spread over a longer period of time.
  • Each group sits together in the dining area at least two meters from the next group.
  • Good ventilation is guaranteed. This can be done by opening doors and windows for ventilation, before and after use.
  • Routines should be put in place that protect the opportunity for everyone to keep their distance and ensure a good cleaning. See Cleaning in covid-19 – advice for sectors outside the health service


  • Increase ventilation in poorly ventilated rooms. In addition, the use and maintenance of ventilation should follow the usual routine. It is not recommended to increase the degree of ventilation in already well-ventilated rooms.
  • In rooms that lack ventilation systems: Ventilation through windows or open doors before/after use can have a good effect. It is also recommended to ventilate between the use of different kits. I know Indoor climate and risk of COVID-19 – Ventilation advice(PDF)

Specifically aimed at receiving asylum

The UDI itself prepared an infection control guide for asylum reception with the FHI providing input:

See also:

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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