Voi Scooter: – Voi Vandalism: – Very bad

Voi Scooter: – Voi Vandalism: – Very bad

The electric scooter has become a real winner in Norway’s long country – not least on the streets of Oslo in recent years. Done service Scorned and has been acclaimed since its arrival.

Marit Dale All, 32, is one of the many who prefer to use the scooter for work and other errands.

However, on Monday morning this week, she got a nasty surprise as she was about to leave on her Voi-type scooter. Yes, it almost qualifies as a new version of Stein öve Berg’s “Manda Morra Blues,” one adds Goodwill.

– I was startled

In a bit of haste, the woman saw a bicycle, which she quickly opened. But as she quickly grasped the handle, she suddenly felt something soft and sticky in her hands:

– I’m really confused. “I was in a rush when I opened it and I didn’t immediately understand what it was,” the 32-year-old tells Talkblade.

He says he found a red and hard goo smeared on the handles.

– Disgusting

Al says he first feared it might be something dangerous and immediately thought of a case in Oslo Acid is completely corrosive to many bus seats.

After a closer inspection, Al realizes that Ketchup were pushed beyond the board.

Looking for a new scooter, she found no fewer than five Voi scooters scattered across the sidewalk, reducing the availability from six to zero.

– It’s so disgusting, the 32-year-old says, that she had a long way to go before finding a new scooter that wasn’t dirty – because she had nothing to wash the bike with (who wants to start using a sweater as a napkin anyway on Monday).

See also  Impossible, says Bane Nor. V says no problem.
Come on, ketchup!  At least six Voi bikes looked like this at Karl Berner in Oslo on Monday morning.  Photo: Private.

Come on, ketchup! At least six Voi bikes looked like this at Karl Berner in Oslo on Monday morning. Photo: Private.
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He came to stay

Voi CEO Christina Moe Gjerde tells Dagbladet that fortunately their electric scooters have not suffered minor vandalism.

– but it happens from time to time. Unfortunately, this often affects users who can’t get to where they’re going, he adds.

Gjerde adds that he believes that weakens the case of opponents of vandalism.

– Electric scooters are here to stay – we experience intense demand on summer days like these, he says and continues:

– If anti-scooter’s aim is to gain sympathy or remove scooters from the city, I think they need to change their strategy.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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