We must create a Norgesbatteriet

We must create a Norgesbatteriet

In this way, kilowatts are not wasted.

By using our resources properly, we can get both hydroelectric power and hydrogen and ammonia, the providers believe.
  • Tom Christer Nielsen

    Head of Business Policy, Bergen Business Council

  • Tom George Endrevic

    Mayor of Øygarden

  • Cecily Salen

    CEO, CCB Subsea

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This is the topic of discussion. Post written by an external contributor, quality assurance by BT’s debate department. Opinions and analyzes are the property of the author.

You must own Norway strength when we need it. But how are we going to manage it without climate-damaging solutions and using more pristine nature? We can’t have lower emissions, electricity when we need it, no interference with nature and a low price. But maybe we can be better than today?

We have great opportunities to produce renewable energy. But renewable energy must be able to store for energy when we need it. If you can’t, energy will be wasted, prices will go up, and we will lose jobs and development.

This is why we suggest Norgesbatteriet – to build a Norwegian storage capacity so that no kilowatts are wasted. Then we will achieve several things: more power with less interference, lower climate emissions, lower price to the consumer, but still better profitability to the producer; In short, we are getting closer to the goals of climate, environment and value creation. And you get cheaper electricity when it’s expensive.

How much electricity Can Norwegian hydroelectric power plants produce? We know what they produce. About 140 TWh. But it can be produced approximately 290 TWh If there is enough water all the time, and the demand is constant.

The stored hydropower is great, the stores work like big batteries. However, the utilization rate is only about 50 percent. The numbers are even worse for wind and solar. Norwegian wind power plants offer approx 39 percent of the installed capacity.

Some of this is due to obvious things. It is not always windy. It’s night, and then there’s a little sun. Some hydroelectric power plants, especially small and small power plants, do not have adjustable tanks. But just as important is that electricity production and consumption come at different times and seasons. So, a lot of sun, wind and water goes to waste, we have to invest a lot more than we really need, and natural interventions are bigger than they used to be.

The solution is really Simple but tricky: we need a battery. There is not a single battery, but we still call it Norgesbatteriet. This battery should be able to take all of the surplus production from unstored hydroelectric, solar and wind and store it for use when we need it.

from v. Tom-Christer Nilsen, Cecilie Sælen, and Tom Georg Indrevik during the One Ocean Expedition.

how? Imagine a windmill spinning in the summer. Today, the producer may have to pay for energy savings for periods, because there are no customers at that time. What if we did some of this instead: We used excess energy at pumped storage stations to fill water tanks, produce hydrogen or ammonia, and charge large batteries, all for later use. Then we take it out whenever the need arises and the imbalance arises.

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It is in fact the model that hydropower uses today, but it is now being contemplated in the face of increasingly variable renewable energy production without natural reservoirs.

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what should we do? We need to expand the existing water tanks, and maybe build some new ones where we can pump the water. We must establish variable production of hydrogen and ammonia. We must create great battery solutions. This is a major industrial project for Norwegian business.

But perhaps most importantly, this is a massive energy management project. Here, we need a comprehensive organization and plan to ensure both payment solutions, storage management and usage solutions. It’s complicated, and no one has really done it before, but no one has been closer to us than with hydropower.

Blåsjø, Norway’s largest water reservoir, is used, among other things, by the Saurdal pumped power plant. Service providers think we need more of these power plants.

Can we do it? Can we get power when we need it, at a better price, with less natural interference and lay the foundation for lower emissions through an all-electric Norway?

We think so. This is why we are calling for an initiative where Norway takes the lead with the vision that no electron should be wasted. We can do this in long processes as we usually do. But we can also do that by raising the visibility, and starting to do it.

Let’s do just that – and charge the battery!

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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